Agents In Style is Charlottesville’s luxury consignment boutique and a fave among the fashion-forward. Located on the Downtown Mall in a newly-expanded space, this boutique offers designer and luxury brands in a wide range of styles and sizes of clothing, bags, and accessories, including men’s merchandise.
The owner, Rhoda Wheeler, brings a keen eye and impeccable fashion sense to her shop, with years of experience in image consulting and fashion styling. Her work includes fashion shows and promotional events as well as styling clients for special events, presentations, and daily life. Clients can expect a welcoming presence here, with trained staff that will help them define and refine their style. Agents in Style also hosts private events and collaborations with local artists. Even better, they are involved in the local community, including Friends of Cville and Boss Babes, as well as a variety of charitable groups.
Shopping Assistants
Walk-Ins Welcome